Monday, October 19, 2009

Mt Ogden Park and Golf Course

One of the hottest issues of this election has been; "What is your position on the proposed development of the Mt. Ogden Park and Golf Course?" I feel we need to remember the first part of that phrase.....Mt. Ogden Park, what a jewel it is.... running along the foothills, just inviting you to come and partake of it's beauty, How many of us remember climbing the rocket that stood as a moniker for so many years... The start point of your annual hike up waterfall canyon. These asset's should be protected at whatever cost..... for the generations to follow.

The second part of that phrase; Mount Ogden Golf Course..... Having recently played the course I was both amazed and disappointed, amazed that the fairways were in great shape... The Greens were wonderful..... I made my annual donation of ball's to the scrub oak god's... What diappointed me was the lack of maintenance of the cart paths. I thought that I would have to lock in the hub's of the 4-wheel drive Golf cart. I could not believe we had to use the a Honey Pot, which curiously enough was placed directly next to the restroom building. Now I'm not preive to the reason for the need of the Honey Pot, but I can sure tell you that I would sure be embarressed to have you visit my home and have ask me to use the restroom, and direct you to the honey pot.

It has also been mentioned that the Golf Course has been running at a loss to the tune of $300,000.00 per year. Could this be why when I did some research at a popular web site called "www.UtahsRight .com" I found the there are to high ranking Business Development folks being paid out of the Golf course account... Something just seems to be a little skewed in this picture. How can a private Golf Course run in the black when it has to pay for Property Taxes and Water and the city owned and operated course which pays niether water and or property taxes just can't seem to make a buck? Most private courses have had to enlarge and improve their facilities to be able to host nice and large tournaments. When was the last time someone wanted to have a wedding at the Mt. Ogden Clubhouse. We really should take the handcuff's off the staff and allow them to make this facility shine. Before we just run out and sell it to the highest bidding developers we should provide our folks the right tools and opportunities to perform their job's....

Hope this gives you a better insite into how I feel about our Park and Golf Course.

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